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Master The Magic Circle In A Few Simple Steps

I've seen how a lot of people have a hard time making the magic circle/ring for crochet. So I thought I would share how I make mine in a few simple steps. Below you will find step by step photos to follow along with the written instructions.  

1. Hold end string by pinky 

2. Wrap around fingers once 3. Wrap around again 4. Place hook under first two strings and grab the one closest to knuckles. 5. Pull back toward end of fingers 6. Chain 1 (I do this because without it, the first single crochet seems to tuck down and is hard to use when you make your next round) 7. Single crochet what you need for your pattern. Place stitch market in first single crochet (If you don't have an actual stitch marker, you can use scrap yarn, or paper clip so you don't loose first stitch) 8. Gently pull your tail end until you see one of your loops tightening( Don't pull hard!! You just want to identify which one moves.) 9. Once you see which one is tightening, pull that one tight 10. Now your left with 1 loop, pull the end string and that will close center. 11. Carry your tail under your crochet stitches in next row or weave in a little later on 

*I make my magic circles with two loops because I was finding with just the one loop my circle would become loose as I worked the next couple rows. My two loop circle has never fallen apart  or came loose. It stays put until I'm ready to weave in the beginning tail. Although technically you have two rounds of yarn tightly secured in the magic circle I always weave in my end after a few rounds have been done.*

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